Monday, December 7, 2009


After leaving Crimea I stopped in Kiev, the capital city of Ukraine. I tried to take the bus from the airport into the city, but I got lost. A kind lady took pity on my traveling companion Ben and I and put us on what eventually we found out was the correct bus. We were then dropped off at the subway station. Meanwhile, my friend back in Ukraine, Anton was phoning us and his cousin, our hosts, trying to figure out where we were and what we should do to meet up with them. Eventually we met up with our hosts.

We then set off to do some sight seeing. Our first visit was to Independence Square. We then went for a walk among the many Orthodox Cathedrals.

We took a ride on the Fulicular.

The Chernoble Museum was haunting. The art displays were ghostly, moving and depressing.

Kiev at night and the Dnieper River.

Ben and I with Sasha. He's a rocker/programmer and was incredibly kind. Him and his wife Olesya showed us around Kiev and let us stay in their apartment.

Under the 'Friends of the World' rainbow some statues. The one immediately below is from the Communist era. It was meant to promote unity between Russia and Ukraine.

Outside the Pinchuk Art Gallery. Most of the displays were modern art and one of the best galleries I've seen.

Down the escalator to the subway!

We visited the Water Museum.

Our lovely hosts inside the museum.

I'm in a bubble and really happy about it!

We were allowed to pet the fish.

This picture was taken second before a fish (the white and orange one) snuck up and tried to eat my finger. I almost hit the ceiling.

The cave monasteries (aka lavra). It was cold and raining outside.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    I wonder how world are smal, I also know Alexander, and have the same shots from Kiev..

