Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hungary and meeting my relatives

After my stretch in Ukraine I went to Hungary for 10 days to visit my relatives (note: I will refer to everyone as relatives or cousins to simplify how they are related to me). My first stop was Budapest where it rained non-stop for the two days I was there. But that didn't stop me from touring the city. The city is divided into two sections - Budda and Pest which are divided by the Danube.

For most of the 1800's Hungary was extremely wealthy. During this period the country invested a great amount of money in buildings. Among them the Hungarian Parliament building - the third largest Parliament building in the world.

Though the country has gone through hard times, recently it has seen vast economic improvements. As a result there are many brand new, incredibly modern buildings in Budapest. For example, a new theater. I am standing beside a fountain flanking the theater. Sinking is a replica of the gates to the old theater.

One of the things that I was most excited to see was the Christmas market. It was so charming and glutvin (spiced hot wine) was never in short supply. Here I am with my cousin Bea.

After visiting Budapest I went to Gyor (pronounced Yur). Happily, it also had a Christmas market which I frequented with my cousins Agi and her fiance, Gabor, and David and Audrey (twins).

Here we are in front of the city hall. Most of my cousins in Canada are several years younger than me and I thought it was really great being able to spend time with my Hungarian cousins who are my age.

I visited a monastery near Gyor. It was on a hilltop and provided a beautiful view of the city. The monastery is old and has survived several wars and countless battles. Today it is still a functioning monastery.

Inside the crypt.

They had a beautiful 'Beauty and the Beast-esque' library.

After the monastery we went to visit my cousins. They gave me lots of really good food. After dinner we went to my cousin's bar and tried to homemade palinka. Palinka is a traditional Hungarian drink. It is pure fruit branding; it is delicious and very strong.

My last stop in Hungary was with Lajos and Bea in Buk, a city near the Austrian border. We took a day trip to Sopron to see a castle. Interestingly, on my last trip to Hungary, about 10 years ago, I visited this city and this castle and I remembered it!

Ten years ago my choir sang here.

My last tourist visit was to a small heritage village, kind of like Fort Langley. All the houses and household items were imported from various regions throughout the country and organized to look like a traditional village.

Curly horned, curly haired sheep!

My relatives Bea and Lajos.

Now I am back in Canada, more specifically, I've been back for over a month. I had a wonderful time in Hungary and it was really special for me to meet my relatives who were all so loving and kind. I will definitely go back for another visit.

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