Sunday, October 17, 2010

Chatsworth House - as seen in Pride and Prejudice (2005)

This weekend I went to visit Scott. For my visit, he planned a trip to the English countryside to see Chatsworth House. You've probably seen Chatsworth House before. It was Mr. Darcy's Pemberley in the 2005 version of Pride and Prejudice and it was also in the Duchess.
We toured the house and the gardens, both were stunning. This was the first room we saw, the dining room.
The house had quite an art collection - paintings, statues, modern, name it, they had it. This was one of my favourites. The statue is white marble, even the veil.
A view of the grounds from the window. We were lucky and just missed the rain.
I took this picture because it reminded me of Harry Potter. I should note that most things in Britain remind me of Harry Potter.
A gorgeous library! Both mine and Scott's favourite room of the house.
After the interior, we went to see the gardens which had some modern art features.
Scott and I never go anywhere without a food plan. Today it was crackers and cheese and chocolate champagne truffles picked up from the gift shop. *heaven*

After snacks, we tried our luck in the maze, but failed. We're convinced there wasn't an attainable centre. This disappointment was lessened by the lovely water features.
The next day we went on the Sheffield-eye. According to Scott, it's less of an engineering feat than the London-eye not only because of its size, but because in London, the pods are on the outside of the frame.
On our way up! And the end of our lovely weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Whitney!

    Just thought I'd drop by and leave a your photos! Looks like you and Scott are adjusting well :) I'm so jealous...I've spent a few days in London before, but I would love to go see the other parts of Britain. I especially liked your Harry Potter reference...haha, that is something I would have done too.

    Take care and say HI to Scott for me.

