Monday, December 13, 2010

Angel of the North with Kadda and Bee

I haven't updated my blog in awhile because I've been studying and working and while that's all well and good, it doesn't make for very good pictures.

A few weeks ago, before all the snow arrived in Newcastle, Kadda, Bee and I went to go check out the Angel of the North. It is a really big steel statue and tourist attraction.

The statue is exactly how you would imagine it. It was nice to see, but we got bored of it pretty quickly.

Luckily, I had my camera so our visit to the angel turned into a photo shoot!

Bee is a dentist and PhD candidate. But even more impressively, she's a climber - rocks, trees, you name it, she'll climb it. :P

Kadda and Bee are roommates. :)

My turn to climb the tree! I didn't make it very far. But I sure tried!

Time to test the camera colour swap function.

Kadda is going to be an excellent teacher. As you can see, she's authoritative and fun!

And here's me!

It was a lovely afternoon for a photo shoot. And now we can check off the Angel of the North from our 'must see' list.

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