Sunday, January 2, 2011

Winter in Newcastle

There was quite a bit of snow in Newcastle this winter. Not 'a lot' like Ottawa, but a fair bit. Apparently snow at this time of year is very unusual. Here are some pictures of the first snowfall as seen from my bedroom window.

I put some seeds out for this little guy.

Luckily there were Christmas markets with hot mulled wine to enjoy and take the chill off. Scott and I stopped there on the way to the bridge with Kadda, Santiago and Hernan.

On another day, Bee and I walked up the stairs of the Baltic, an art gallery, on a bright sunny day to admire the view.


Before the end of classes, our program had a Christmas party (co-organized by yours truly). :) In the picture from left to right are: Maria, Abbey, Lena and me. We're all doing the public relations program. 

This is the present I sent home to my family. His name is Sir Owen (after Micheal Owen) and he was sent bearing hugs. He was fun to make too!

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