Sunday, October 11, 2009

My new apartment

On Friday I moved to a new apartment. I am sharing this apartment with four other people, May from Australia, Agi (Agnes) from Hungary, Anita from Poland and Mathias from Germany. Anita arrives in a few days, but so far we seem to be getting along alright. Here are pictures of the apartment. In all honesty, it's quite comfortable, maybe a little crowded. But I have definitely seen students in Canada live in far worse conditions. However, the apartment does have some rather unique features, such as a natural gas stove that you must light with a match, a radio from the USSR, no hot water (we're working on it), and at least a dozen floor and wall paper patterns.

When you first walk into the apartment there is an area to hang your coats and place your shoes. Immediately to the right of the entrace way are two doors, one for the toilet and one for the bathroom.

After the washrooms comes the kitchen. Here are May and Agi preparing lunch. I'm very happy to have a kitchen again.
Next to the kitchen isi mine and Agi's bedroom. We have yet to move her bed into the room. She arrived only yesterday.
There is a common area, but it's also a bedroom. Being the only guy, Mathias gets to sleep here.

This is the remaining bedroom. It belongs to Anita and May.

Just outside of this room there is a small, enclosed deck. This is where we can hang laundry to dry. Doing laundry is a bit of an ordeal. We were told that our apartment would have a washing machine. As it turns out, it isn't so much a washing machine as a vibrating bucket. I used the washing machine (I use the term loosely) and it seems to do the trick. I noticed that most other apartments have clothes lines just outside the windows, but ours is broken so our clothes take longer to dry because they are not in the sunlight. Clothes take two days to dry.
Now that more interns have arrived we've started getting to work. Monday is the official debut of Skills Matter and we will begin our presentations this week.

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