Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Amazing Apartment Debacle

Although I have been enjoying my time here, it has not been without problems - namely housing problems. The day before my trip to Sevastopol we were evicted from the apartment I had written about earlier. The landlady thought that there were three Ukrainian girls living in her flat. You can imagine her surprise when she came for an unannounced visit only to find Anita, the Polish intern, two extra beds and stuff belonging to men. The lady was yelling at Anita in Russian and generally flipping out. She was with her son and they were going through our things. They found Agi's passport on her bed and took it. Needless to say we were very upset and unimpressed with the situation. We packed our bags and left at 2am. Luckily Agi got her passport back.

Since what will henceforth be referred to as 'the incident' we have been homeless. The organization I am working through, aiesec, tried to find us another apartment. This was in fact not an apartment, but more of a pool house. When I saw it I tried to picture myself living there for two months and decided that I could not. It was very small, there was no refrigerator, and the toilet was outside. I had a hunch that this place was the first one that they found. I told them to keep looking.

Yesterday we finally found and moved into a suitable home! It has an indoor bathroom and the owner is very sweet. Moreover, she has met us and knows that we are six people from outside the country. There is even running hot water!!!

Here is the kitchen.

And here is the bathroom.

This is the main room, but it is also mine and May's bedroom.

This is Agi and Anita's room. There is a chair in the corner that folds out into a bed.

We drew straws to choose rooms and the boys won, so they have this room.

I am so grateful to finally have a permanent home. Moving around every few days from friend's home to friend's home was really irritating. Moreover, I am so pleased that I am not imposing on anyone anymore. Especially poor Eugene, who had all six of us in his one bedroom flat for a little while.

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