Monday, October 19, 2009

What I do in Simferopol

The vast majority of my time in Ukraine is spent in Simferopol. I thought that I should write a post about how I pass my days here. Here goes!

The supermarket the you see below is called Cilpo and it has become my main reference point. It is a large grocery store and more or less dictates downtown's centre. If anyone wants to meet with me they must meet me at Cilpo, because I do not know where anything else is. It is also a convenient place because the major bus stops flank the store on either side.

Much of my day is spent chasing down stray animals. I never touch them because they are dirty, but I do oggle them from a safe distance. There are stray animals everywhere and I love them all! As you can see, so does Ben.

As per usual, I spend a lot of time eating. However, frequently what happens is that I cannot find utensils and I cannot ask for directions to the utensils...I think the picture explains my solution well enough. Every morning we get breakfast for free at a restaurant called Istanbul. I cannot fully explain how wonderful it is to have breakfast there every day. The picture below is a picture of breakfast made by Eugene. It's mashed potatoes, salted, dried fish and caviar. It was delicious! I had had to get used to eating dinner like things for breakfast, but now it's grown on me.

Because I do not have internet access at home I spend a ridiculous amount of time at cafes with wifi. Here we are at our favourite one. It's Russian name is something like Pudoff, but we called it Pirate Bay because of the decore. As I write this I am in a different internet cafe called 'F cafe'. Pirate Bay is a little like a dungeon, it's very dark, so I opted for a place with windows today.

And of course, I spend time exploring the city! Below is an ancient city.

Finally, for three hours a week I give sessions on soft business skills. Below are some of the students playing a game designed by Agi. The students are very sweet and eager to learn.

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