Wednesday, November 4, 2009


The beginning of November brought very cold temperatures to Crimea. It was below 10 degrees for about a week, even snowing a little. Luckily this cold spell is now over and the weather is back at a more manageable 15 degrees.

Even though last weekend was freezing cold and very windy we decided to do some travelling, a small day trip to Sudak. Our first stop in Sudak was a fortress built by Italians.

All of the towers along the fort's only had three sides. This was done purposefully so that one general could supervise multiple towers and coordinate them more easily.

Emir was kind enough to brave the cold with us and act as our tour guide.

The tower that you see at the top of the hill is called the Girl's Tower. The story goes that there was a princess and a general fell in love with her, but she did not love him in return. He locked her up in the tower until she agreed to love him. Instead, she opted to jump from her tower down the cliff, into the ocean.

The fortress provided beautiful views of the city of Sudak and the Black Sea.

Inside the fortress there were several wishing trees. People tie ribbons onto the tree which represents their wish.

After the fortress we went to the champagne factory in Novyi Svet, something that I was very much looking forward too...

...but it was closed.

Luckily we happened upon an employee of the champagne factory and he was able to see us some champagne. After this chance encounter we went on a stroll along the sea side.

As we rounded a corner we saw a beautiful little cave that had been transformed into a wine cellar.

To wrap up our lovely hike and to help us warm up, we decided to open one of the bottles of champagne and have a little picnic while enjoying the view.

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