Sunday, November 1, 2009


Just for interest sake I've added this picture. Here are the interns (minus me) standing near our flat. It's a duplex that we share with the landlady. Behind us is her garden.

Last weekend we went to Bachisaray and we went on a hike through the mountains. Bachisaray is a small town that was once the capital. The weather was beautiful last weekend.

Below is a picture of medieval wine presses. They were not marked or anything, we found them just by walking through the forest. Grapes would be piled onto the flat area then a boulder put on top and the juices would drop into the catch.

The mountain behind us once held a civilization. They lived in caves.

After our hike we went to Hansaray. This palace was once home to the Crimea Khans, the muslim elite of the Crimea Tatar. There we saw ancient gold from nomadic civilizations, a Muslim cemetery for princes, and Hansaray's bath house.

After a nice day hiking we went for some tea and snacks at a local Crimean Tatar restaurant.

This week we also had a Halloween party!!! Halloween is still not particularly popular here and nobody dressed up. Instead I bought face paint and some masks to hand out. Unfortunately for Matthias and Ben some of the girls got hold of the face paint and attacked them, very artistically, with the paint.

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