Sunday, November 1, 2009

Swine Flu Scare and Quarantine

This weekend swine flu made its way to Ukraine and has sent the country into complete panic. This virus happens to coincide with elections, which is not helping the situation. Ukraine is now under quarantine which means that all schools and universities are closed and public meetings strongly discouraged. There is talk that they will shut the Ukrainian-Hungarian border. In my opinion, swine flu is no worse here than anywhere else, but because of the political situation and elections the government is taking full advantage of this opportunity.

Unfortunately I am not sure yet what this means for me because my job revolves around the universities being open. Hopefully I will find out more soon. In the mean time, don't worry, swine flu so far is only in the north and western parts of Ukraine. I am in the very south and so far there have been no incidences of swine flu here.

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