Saturday, May 29, 2010

And the Internship Continues

A few interesting things have happened since I last mentioned my internship. Toward the end of the Olympics the Washington State interns came for a visit for a weekend. We took them around downtown and to the beach. When Sunday rolled around it was the Olympic gold medal game between Canada and the US. Most of the interns (from both sides of the border) wanted to watch the game, but not all of us. Kate and I took a dedicated an adventurous few for a hike up Mt. Doug.
After our hike we joined the other interns at the Sticky Wicket Pub. Canada had just won the gold and it was very crowded. But the atmosphere was great! Everyone was cheering and honking their car horns.

Sadly, shortly after the Olympics were over, so was my time at IGRS. Everyone was so sweet and on my last day, they got me a cake!
Later in the spring I went on my first constituency week hometown Coquitlam! During that time I worked in Coquitlam-Burkemountain MLA Doug Horne and his constituency assistant. I even wrote an article for the local newspaper about it which was published.

There are three interns from Coquitlam - me, Mark and Angie. We were all in the newspaper which was pretty neat.

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